Monday, November 14, 2011

Deal in the works - talks continue

Word has it that people from John Lane Films, Lower Level (Jim Peterson) and Autumn Pictures are close to making a deal that would involve the re-release of "Lobsteroids" (1989) in a packaged set that could include several versions of the movie - including Jim Peterson's latest: "Lobsteroids, the Movie? Creator's Cut."

This is very good news for fans of the film who are anxiously waiting to see and hear what Jim Peterson and the Lower Level team has done - and for collectors who want to have a complete library of the 1989 film.

Autumn Pictures and Lower Level have committed to an aggressive marketing and promotional plan for Lobsteroids and look forward to moving forward on the project.
Stay updated on this blog!

1 comment:

  1. This merger would be great. It would allow a comparison of the two films, and in my humble opinion, anytime you can observe two differing products that stem from the same source is one of life's bonus moments. You "the observer"get to make a choice, based purely on your very own personal likes and dislikes. And isn't that what we are here on this Earth to learn to do ? Choice, it's the spice of life, so Enjoy it...
